Our Services

Private Tutoring


Get 1-on-1 tutoring for your student in a private, professional, tutoring environment.

  • Private, individualized tutoring from a trained professional.

  • 1 Hour Sessions - weekly or twice weekly.

  • Payable in lump sum or in equal monthly payments.


Fall/Winter Tutoring

August - December 2025

Weekly Tutoring
$630 for the semester

Twice Weekly Tutoring
$1260 for the semester

Winter/Spring Tutoring

January - May 2026

Weekly Private Tutoring
$720 for the semester

Twice Weekly Tutoring
$1440 for the semester

Summer Tutoring

June - July 2025

Weekly Private Tutoring
$225 for the summer

Twice Weekly Tutoring
$450 for the summer

Semester Registration Fee Payable at Time of Enrollment: $55


Semi-Private Tutoring


For families with multiple students, we offer Semi-Private, or “shared” tutoring sessions with 2 students at a time.

  • Affordable shared tutoring sessions.

  • Private, individualized tutoring from a trained professional.

  • Payable in lump sum or in easy monthly payments.


Fall/Winter SP Tutoring

September - December 2025

Weekly Tutoring

Semi-Private Tutoring—two students
$490 for each student for the semester

Spring SP Tutoring

January - May 2026

Weekly Tutoring

Semi-Private Tutoring-two students
$560 for each student for the semester

Summer SP Tutoring

June - August 2025

Weekly Tutoring

Semi-Private Tutoring —two students$

$175 for each student for the semester

Semester Registration Fee Payable at Time of Enrollment: $55

Financial Assistance

We do our best to work with every family’s financial circumstances.
To learn more or apply, visit our Financial Assistance page.


Additional Services :


Wilson Assessment of Decoding and Encoding


Specific assessment for decoding, spelling, and reading fluency

$275 for testing and one-hour parent consultation
New students only.

Currently-enrolled Wilson students will take this test during their regularly scheduled tutoring sessions or during a separate time agreed upon by you and your tutor.

Contact Us to get started.


SRA Specific Skills Placement Test


Ability assessment for reading different types of passages and applying higher order thinking skills (such as finding the main idea).

$150 for testing and parent consultation

Contact Us to get started.